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* ăd-ŏrĭo, īre, v. a., the act. form of adorior, to attack, to assail: tunc ipsos adoriant, Naev. ap. Prisc. p. 801 P. (Trag. Rel. p. 8 Rib.).
Hence also pass. adortus, Aur. Fragm. Naev. ap. Prisc. p. 791 P.; and, acc. to some, Flor. 2, 6, 46, where Halm reads adoratam.

ăd-ŏrĭor, ortus, 4, v. dep. (part. adorsus, Gell. 9, 2, 10; see the passage at the end of this art.; the second and third pers. of the pres. ind., acc. to the fourth conj.: adorīris, adorītur; forms analogous to orĕris, orĭtur, of the simple verb occur in Lucr. 3, 513; Lucil. ap. Prisc. p. 880 P.), to rise up for the purpose of going to some one or something, or of undertaking something great, difficult, or hazardous (clandestinely, artfully, when a hostile approach is spoken of; while aggredi indicates a direct, open attack from a distance: aggredimur de longinquo; adorimur ex insidiis et ex proximo; nam adoriri est quasi ad aliquem oriri, i. e. exsurgere, Don. ad Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 50; cf. the same ad Heaut. 4, 5, 9).

  1. I. In gen., to approach a person in order to address him, to ask something of him, to accost, etc. (cf. accedo, adeo): cesso hunc adoriri? (quasi de improviso alloqui, Don.), Ter. Heaut. 4, 5, 9: si ab eo nil fiet, tum hunc adorior hospitem, id. Phorm. 4, 2, 15.
  2. II. Esp.
    1. A. To approach one with hostile intent, to assault, assail, Lucil. ap. Prisc. p. 886 P.: inermem tribunum gladiis, Cic. Sest. 37: a tergo Milonem, id. Mil. 10: navem, id. Verr. 2, 5, 34 fin.: impeditos adoriebantur, Caes. B. G. 4, 26: hos Conon adortus magno proelio fugat, Nep. Con. 4: urbem vi, Liv. 1, 53: oppugnatio eos aliquanto atrocior quam ante adorta est, id. 21, 11; cf. 21, 28: praetorem ex improviso in itinere adortus, Tac. A. 4, 45: variis criminationibus, id. ib. 14, 52: minis, id. H. 1, 31: jurgio, Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 50: senatum, Suet. Caes. 9.
      Also absol., Hirt. B. Afr. 69.
    2. B. To enter upon any course of action, esp. to engage in or undertake any thing difficult or dangerous; with acc. or inf.: commutare animum quicumque adoritur, Lucr. 3, 515: ne convellere adoriamur ea, quae non possint commoveri, Cic. de Or. 2, 51, 205; id. Att. 13, 22: Ἡρακλείδιον, si Brundisium salvi, adoriemur (sc. scribere), id. ib. 16, 2; Auct. Her. 2, 4: majus adorta nefas, Ov. P. 2, 2, 16: hi dominam Ditis thalamo deducere adorti, Verg. A. 6, 397; cf. id. ib. 7, 386; Cat. 63, 11.
      So esp. in the histt., Nep. Dion. 6: hanc (Munychiam) bis tyranni oppugnare sunt adorti, id. Thras. 2, 5; so also Liv. 2, 51; 28, 3; 37, 5, 32; 40, 22; 43, 21; 44, 12; cf. also 3, 44: hanc virginem Appius pretio ac spe pellicere adortus.
      Once in the form of the part. perf. adorsus: qui Hippiam tyrannum interficere adorsi erant, Gell. 9, 2, 10.

ădōrĭōsus, adj., in the Gloss. Gr. Lat. as translation of ἔνδοξος, that has often obtained the adorea, celebrated.