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texo, xui, xtum (inf. paragog. texier, Plaut. Trin. 3, 3, 69), 3, v. a. [root tek-; Gr. ἔτεκον, τίκτω, to beget; Sanscr. takman, child; taksh, to make], to weave (class.; syn. neo).

  1. I. Lit.: texens telam, Ter. Heaut. 2, 3, 44: vestes, Tib. 2, 3, 54: tegumenta corporum vel texta vel suta, Cic. N. D. 2, 60, 150: in araneolis aliae quasi rete texunt, id. ib. 2, 48, 123: tenuem texens sublimis aranea telam, Cat. 68, 49: in vacuo texetur aranea lecto, Prop. 3, 6 (4, 5), 33: chlamydem, Val. Fl. 2, 499.
    Absol., Plin. 11, 24, 28, § 79.
    1. B. Transf., in gen., to join or fit together any thing; to plait, braid, interweave, interlace, intertwine; to construct, make, fabricate, build, etc. (mostly poet.): rubeā texatur fiscina virgā, Verg. G. 1, 266: molle feretrum texunt virgis et vimine querno, id. A. 11, 65: parietem lento vimine, Ov. F. 6, 262; and: domum vimine querno, Stat. Th. 1, 583. saepes, Verg. G. 2, 371: crates, Hor. Epod. 2, 45: rosam, Prop. 3, 3 (4, 2), 36; cf.: coronam rosis, Mart. 13, 51, 1: varios flores, Ov. M. 10, 123: tegetes, Plin. 21, 18, 69, § 112: harundinibus textae casae, id. 30, 10, 27, § 89: navigia ex papyro, id. 13, 11, 22, § 72: nidos, Quint. 2, 16, 16: basilicam, Cic. Att. 4, 16, 14: robore naves, Verg. A. 11, 326: harundine texta hibernacula, Liv. 30, 3, 9: pyram pinu aridā, Prud. στεφ. 10, 846: Labyrinthus Parietibus textum caecis iter, Verg. A. 5, 589.
  2. II. Trop., to weave, compose: quamquam ea tela texitur et ea incitatur in civitate ratio vivendi, ut, etc., is devised, contrived, Cic. de Or. 3, 60, 226; cf.: amor patriae Quod tua texuerunt scripta retexit opus, i. e. had wrought, produced, Ov. P. 1, 3, 30: quamquam sermones possunt longi texier, Plaut. Trin. 3, 3, 68: epistulas cottidianis verbis, Cic. Fam. 9, 21, 1; cf.: opus luculente, id. Q. Fr. 3, 5, 1.
    Hence, textum, i, n., that which is woven, a web (poet. and in postAug. prose).
    1. A. Lit.: pretiosa texta, Ov. H. 17, 223: illita texta veneno, id. ib. 9, 163: rude, id. M. 8, 640; Mart. 8, 28, 18: pepli, Stat. Th. 10, 56.
      1. 2. Transf., that which is plaited, braided, or fitted together, a plait, texture, fabric: pinea carinae, Cat. 64, 10; Ov. M. 11, 524; 14, 531; id. F. 1, 506: non enarrabile clipei, Verg. A. 8, 625: ferrea, Lucr. 6, 1052; cf. talia, id. 5, 95: Lolliam vidi, zmaragdis margaritisque opertam, alterno texto fulgentibus toto capite, in alternate structures, layers, Plin. 9, 35, 58, § 117.
    2. * B. Trop., of literary composition, tissue, texture, style: dicendi textum tenue, Quint. 9, 4, 17.

textĭlis, e, adj. [texo], woven, wrought, textile.

  1. I. Lit. (class.)
    1. A. Adj.: tegmen, Lucr. 5, 1350: stragulum, Cic. Tusc. 5, 21, 61: dona, Verg. A. 3, 485: aurum, Plin. 33, 3, 19, § 63; Sen. Med. 372: picturae, Lucr. 2, 35; cf.: tabernacula textilibus signis adornata, Val. Max. 9, 1, ext. 4.
      Poet.: pestis, i. e. a garment steeped in poison, Cic. poët. Tusc. 2, 8, 20: induere nuptam ventum textilem, i.e. a very thin garment, Petr 55 fin.
    2. B. Subst.: textĭle, is, n. (sc. opus), a web, stuff, fabric, piece of cloth, canvas, etc.: nego ullam picturam in textili (fuisse), quin, etc., Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 1, § 1; so, textile, id. Leg. 2, 18, 45.
      In plur., Liv. 45, 35, 2; Plin. 13, 9, 18, § 62; Prop. 1, 14, 22.
  2. II. Transf., plaited, braided, interwoven, intertwined, constructed (very rare): serta, garlands of roses, Mart. 6, 80, 8: pileus, App. M. 11, p. 261, 2.

textor, ōris, m. [texo], a weaver, Plaut. Aul. 3, 5, 45; Hor. Ep. 1, 19, 13; Mart. 12, 59, 6; Juv. 9, 30: textorum et textricum cibaria, Dig. 33, 9, 3, § 6.

textōrĭus, a, um, adj. [texo], of or belonging to weaving, plaiting, or braiding, textorial (post-Aug. and very rare).

  1. I. Lit.: alvearia opere textorio salicibus connectentur, plaited work, Col. 9, 6, 1.
  2. II. Trop.: textorium, inquis, totum mehercule istud est, i. e. entangled, entangling, Sen. Ep. 113, 25.

* textrīcŭla, ae, f. dim. [textrix], a little (female) weaver; in apposition: puellae, Arn. 5, 166.

textrīnus, a. um, adj. [contr. from textorinus, from textor].

  1. I. Of or belonging to weaving, textrine.
    1. A. Adj.: ars, the art of weaving, Firm. Error. Prof. Relig. 17: opus, Vulg. Tob. 2, 19.
      More freq.,
    2. B. Substt.
      1. 1. textrīnum, i, n. (sc. opus), weaving, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 26, § 58; 2, 4, 46, § 103; Sen. Ep. 90, 20; Suet. Gram. 23.
        Collect.: juxta vehiculi frontem omne textrinum incedit ( = omnes textores), Amm. 14, 6, 17.
      2. 2. textrīna, ae, f. (sc. officina), a weaver’s shop, Vitr. 6, 7 fin.; cf. App. Flor 2, p. 346, 35.
  2. * II. Of or belonging to construction; subst.: textrīnum, i, n., a ship-yard, dock-yard. idem campus habet textrinum navibus longis, Enn. ap. Serv. Verg. A. 11, 326 (Ann. v 468 Vahl.).

textrix, īcis,f. [textor], a female weaver, Mart. 4, 19, 1; Inscr. Rein. cl. 9, n. 77; Dig. 33, 9, 3, § 6; Tib. 2, 1, 65; App. M. 6, p. 181, 25.
In apposition: anus, i. e. the Fates, App. M. 6, p. 180, 39.

textum, i, v. texo fin.

textūra, ae, f. [texo], a web, texture (very rare).

  1. I. Lit.: aranearum, Plaut. Stich. 2, 2, 24: Minervae, Prop. 4 (5), 5, 23; Sen. Ep. 121, 22.
  2. II. Transf., a construction, structure: quam tenui constet texturā (animi natura), Lucr. 3, 209; Luc. 9, 777.

1. textus, a, um, Part. of texo.

2. textus, ūs, m. [texo, I. B.], texture, tissue, structure (poet. and in post-Aug. prose).

  1. I. Lit.: haec sunt tenuia textu, Lucr. 4, 728: capiuntur purpurae parvulis rarique textu, Plin. 9, 37, 61, § 132; 18, 7, 10, § 60.
  2. II. Trop., of language, construction, combination, connection, context, Quint. 9, 4, 13; 8, 6, 57: rem brevi textu percurram, Amm. 15, 7, 6: ut ostendit textus superior, id. 15, 8, 1: quod contra foederum textum juvarentur Armeniae, id. 27, 12, 18: gestorum, id. 27, 12, 11; Manil. 3, 270.