con-summo, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [summa] (not in use before the Aug. per.; most freq. in Quint.). To cast or sum up.
- A. Prop.: sumptus aedificiorum per arithmeticen, Vitr. 1, 1: numerum, Col. 5, 3, 4: pretium in assem, id. 3, 3, 8; 5, 2, 10.
- 2. Transf., of number, to make up, amount to: is numerus consummat … milia tria et ducenta, Col. 3, 5, 4; 3, 3, 10.
- B. Trop., to bring together, unite: consummatam ejus (sc. Scipionis) belli gloriam, spectare, the gathered glory, Liv. 28, 17, 3 Weissenb. ad loc.
II. To bring about, accomplish, complete, finish, perfect, consummate.
- A. Prop.
- 1. In gen.: quae consummatur partibus una dies, i. e. an intercalary day, Ov. F. 3, 166: rem, Liv. 29, 23, 4; cf. id. 28, 17, 3 supra: opera, Col. 9, 13, 11: operam, Quint. 2, 6, 6: omnia (ars), id. 2, 17, 9: facultatem orandi, id. 3, 5, 1: partum, Col. 8, 5, 5: sacrum, Sen. Herc. Fur. 1039: parricidium, Curt. 6, 10, 14: annum, Dig. 2, 15, 8 al.: nihil felicitate consummari (potest), quod non Augustus repraesentaverit, Vell. 2, 89, 2.
- 2. Absol., to complete a time of service (sc. stipendia), Suet. Calig. 44.
III. Trop., to make perfect, to complete, perfect, bring to the highest perfection.
- A. Of inanimate things: nec denique ars ulla consummatur ibi, unde oriendum est, Quint. 3, 9, 9: vitam ante mortem, Sen. Ep. 32, 3; Quint. 12, 1, 31 (v. the passage in connection): ruris exercendi scientiam, Col. 8, 1, 1.
- B. Transf., of persons: Severum consummari mors immatura non passa est, to attain to the highest grade, Quint. 10, 1, 89; 10, 2, 28: cum est consummatus, when his education is complete, id. 10, 5, 14; cf.: unā re consummatur animus, scientiā bonorum ac malorum inmutabili, Sen. Ep. 88, 28.
Hence, consummātus, a, um, P. a., brought to the highest degree, perfect, complete, consummate.
- A. Of inanimate things: eloquentia, Quint. 1, prooem. § 20: scientia, id. 2, 21, 24: ars, Plin. 14, 4, 5, § 48: robur virium, id. 10, 63, 83, § 177: sapientia, Col. 11, 1, 11; cf. Sen. Ep. 72, 6.
- B. Of persons: ne se perfectos protinus atque consummatos putent, Quint. 5, 10, 119; 10, 5, 14: orator, id. 2, 19, 1 sq.; 10, 1, 122: professores, id. 1, 9, 3.
Sup., Plin. Ep. 2, 7, 6.
Comp. and adv. not in use.