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Mĭnŭcĭus (Minut-), i, m.; Mĭnŭ-tĭa (Minuc-), ae, f.,

  1. I. the name of a Roman gens, of whom,
      1. 1. M. Minucius Rufus, magister equitum under the dictator Fabius Maximus Cunctator, Liv. 22, 8, 6; Nep. Hann. 5, 3; Sil. 7, 386.
      2. 2. Another, Luc. 6, 126.
      3. 3. Minucius Felix, of Africa, in the third century of the Christian era, the author of an apologetic work in favor of the Christian religion, Lact. 1, 11, 55; 5, 1, 22.
        Fem.: Mĭnŭcĭa, ae, a vestal, who was punished for incontinence by being buried alive, Liv. 8, 15, 7.
  2. II. Mĭnŭcĭ-us (Minut-), a, um, adj., of or belonging to a Minucius, Minucian: Minucia gens, Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 45, § 115: lex, Paul. ex Fest. s. v. osi, p. 201 Müll.: Minucia porta appellata est eo, quod proxima esset sacello Minucii, id. p. 147 Müll.: porticus, in Rome, built by M. Minucius Rufus, Cic. Phil. 2, 34, 84: via, from Rome to Brundisium, id. Att. 9, 6, 1.

mĭnūtĭa, ae, f. [minutus], smallness, fineness, minuteness (post-Aug.): donec ad minutiam redigantur, to make quite small, reduce to powder, Sen. Ep. 90, 23: pulveris minutiae, little particles, Lact. Ira Dei, 10, 9.
Plur., insignificant matters, trifles: ut praetereamus negotiorum minutias, Amm. 23, 1, 1: humilium minutias indagare causarum, id. 26, 1, 1: historiam producere per ignobiles minutias, id. 27, 2, 11: per minutias, into the minutest detail; with scrutari, id. 14, 6, 25; with demonstrare, id. 23, 6, 74: gesta narrare, id. 28, 2, 12.
Postclass. collat. form mĭnūtĭes, ēi, f.: ad summam minutiem conterere, App. M. 9, p. 229: humana, id. ib. 11, p. 263; Arn. 6, p. 256; Lact. 2, 4, 12.