Lewis & Short

Parsing inflected forms may not always work as expected. If the following does not give the correct word, try Latin Words or Perseus.

lixīvĭus, a, um, adj. [lix],

  1. I. made into lye: cinere lixivio abluere, lye-ashes, Plin. 28, 18, 75, § 244.
  2. II. Subst.: lixīvĭa, ae, f., lye: lixivia cineris, Col. 12, 16; 12, 50.
    Also, lixīvĭum, i, n., lye: ossa prunorum lixivio sunt maceranda, Pall. 12, 7, 13: aqua cineribus distillata, quam volgo lixivium vocant, Cael. Aur. Tard. 2, 3, 70.

lixīvus, a, um, adj. [lix],

  1. I. made into lye: cinis lixiva, Scrib. Larg. 216; 230; Varr. ap. Plin. 36, 27, 69, § 202; 15, 17, 18, § 67: mustum lixivum, the must which flows from the grapes before they are pressed, Cato, R. R. 23.
  2. II. Subst.: lixīvum, i, n., lye, Pall. 2, 15, 18; and so perh. Col. 12, 50, 11.