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* umbrātĭcŏla, ae, m. [umbra-colo], one who is fond of the shade, an effeminate person, a lounger, = umbraticus homo, Plaut. Truc. 2, 7, 60.

umbrātĭcus, a, um, adj. [umbra],

  1. I. of or belonging to the shade, i. e. to retirement, seclusion, or leisure: homo, i. e. who loves to stay in the shade, an idler, lounger, Plaut. Curc. 4, 3, 24.
  2. II. Esp., retired, private, contemplative (opp. forensis): Epicureorum delicata et umbratica turba, Sen. Ben. 4, 2, 1: solitaria et velut umbratica vita, Quint. 1, 2, 18 Zumpt N. cr. (al. umbratili): doctor, i. e. one who teaches at home, a private tutor, Petr. 2: litterae, composed in one’s study, Plin. Ep. 9, 2, 3: negotium, that is attended to at home, Gell. 3, 1, 10.

umbrātĭlis, e, adj. [umbra], remaining in the shade, in retirement, or at home; private, retired, contemplative.

  1. I. In gen.: vita umbratilis et delicata, a dreamy life, Cic. Tusc. 2, 11, 27: mora segnis et umbratilis, Col. 1, 2, 1: cum inerti et umbratili milite, Amm. 18, 6, 2.
  2. II. In partic., of speech, in the manner of the schools (opp. to public, political): educenda deinde dictio est ex hac domesticā exercitatione et umbratili medium in agmen, in pulverem: in clamorem, in castra atque in aciem forensem, Cic. de Or. 1, 34, 157: mollis est oratio philosophorum et umbratilis, id. Or. 19, 64.
    Adv.: umbrātĭlĭter, in outline, slightly: effingimus, Sid. Ep. 2, 10.

umbrātĭo, ōnis, f. [umbro], a shadowing: sequebatur columna nubis quasi umbratio Spiritus Sancti, Ambros. Sacr. 1, 6, § 22.