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rŭdīmentum, i, n. [1. rudis], a first attempt, trial, or essay; a beginning, commencement in any thing (not ante-Aug.; cf. tirocinium).

  1. I. Most usual as milit. t. t.: militare, Liv. 21, 3; plur.: rudimentis militiae imbutus, the elements, Vell. 2, 129, 2: dura belli, Verg. A. 11, 157: rudimenta adulescentiae ponere, to lay down the rudiments, complete the first beginnings, pass one’s novitiate, Liv. 31, 11 fin.; cf.: sub militiā patris tirocinii rudimenta deposuit, Just. 9, 1, 8.
  2. II. In other things: rudimentum primum puerilis regni, Liv. 1, 3; cf. Quint. 1, 8, 15: prima rhetorices rudimenta, the first principles, rudiments, id. 2, 5, 1; cf. Suet. Aug. 64: vidi Protogenis rudimenta cum ipsius naturae veritate certantia, Petr. 83, 1: civilium officiorum rudimentis regem Archelaum defendit, Suet. Tib. 8: ponere, id. Ner. 22: prima pueritiae rudimenta deponere, Just. 7, 5, 3 (cf. supra, I.).