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perflābĭlis, e, adj. [perflo].

  1. I. Pass., that can be blown through.
    1. A. Prop. (rare but class.): deos inducere perlucidos et perflabiles, Cic. Div. 2, 17, 40: terra, Sol. 27: lacernae, Amm. 14, 6, 9: locus, exposed to the wind, airy, App. M. 4, p. 150 med.; Pall. 1, 36, 3.
    2. B. Fig., susceptible (postclass.): gentes perflabiles ad omnes dissensionum motus, Amm. 30, 7, 10.
  2. II. Act., blowing through: aër, Pall. 1, 6, 9; cf.: domus perflabili tinnitu fidium resultantes, Amm. 14, 6, 18.

per-flāgĭtĭōsus, a, um, adj., very shameful, very flagitious.
With perturpe, Cic. Cael. 20, 50 (cf. Madv. ad Cic. Fin. p. 410).

per-flagrātus, a, um, Part. [flagro], blazing greatly (post-class.), Mart. Cap. 6, § 576 Kopp.

perflāmen, ĭnis, n. [perflo], a blowing through, a blast, breath (eccl. Lat.), Prud. Apoth. 760.

perflātĭlis, e, adj. [perflo], that can be blown through, exposed to the wind (postclass.): pator, App. M. 3, p. 137; Ambros. Ep. 30, 5.

perflātĭo, ōnis, f. [perflo], a blowing through, a blast (post-class.), Mart. Cap. 1, § 26.

perflātus, ūs, m. [perflo], a blowing through, a draught of air: venti, Vitr. 4, 7, 4.
Concr., a wind, breeze (post-Aug.): ut perflatus aliquis accedat, Cels. 3, 19: loca perflatum non habentia, Plin. 18, 17, 44, § 154: ulmus in perflatu firma, id. 16, 40, 79, § 218.
In plur., Col. 1, 5, 8; Plin. 17, 19, 31, § 140.