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opplĕo (obp-), ēvi, ētum, 2, v. a. [obpleo, plenus], to fill completely, to fill up, fill (class.).

  1. I. Lit.: saucii opplent porticūs, Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 2, 16, 38 (Trag. v. 16 Vahl.): ager oppletus imbrium fremitu, Enn. ap. Serv. ad Verg. G. 1, 12 (Trag. v. 196 Vahl.): oppleta tritici granaria, Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 42: aedis spoliis, id. ib. 2, 6, 41; Varr. R. R. 1, 8, 5: nives jam omnia oppleverant, Liv. 10, 46.
    1. B. Transf.: alienus odor nares opplet, Varr. R. R. 3, 4, 3.
  2. II. Trop.: jam opplebit auris meas sua vaniloquentia, Plaut. Rud. 4, 1, 14: haec opinio Graeciam opplevit, Cic. N D. 2, 24, 63: mentes angustae, oppletae tenebris ac sordibus, id. Red. in Sen. 4, 10.

opplētus, a, um, Part., from oppleo.