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olfăcĭo, ēci, actum, 3 (uncontracted collat. form ŏlĕfăcĭo: olefacit, olefecit, olefactum, Not. Tir. p. 167), v. a. [oleo-facio], to smell, scent something (class.; syn. odoror).

  1. I. Lit.: ea, quae gustemus, olfaciamus, tractemus, audiamus, Cic. Tusc. 5, 38, 111: unguentum, Cat. 13, 13: laurus folia trita olfactaque, smelled, Plin. 23, 8, 80, § 157: gith tusum, olfactum, id. 20, 17, 71, § 183 (olefactum, Jahn).
    Absol.: delphini sagacissime olfaciunt, have a very keen scent, Plin. 11, 37, 50, § 137.
    1. B. Trop., to smell, scent, surmise, detect any thing: non sex totis mensibus olfecissem, quam, etc., Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 43: nummum, Cic. Agr. 1, 4, 11: nomen poëtae, Petr. 93.
  2. * II. To cause to smell of any thing: si ad matris mammam (agnus) non accedet, admovere oportet et olfacere labra lacte, Varr. R. R. 2, 2, 16.

olfactātrix, īcis, f. [olfacto], she who scents or observes, Plin. 17, 24, 37, § 239.

olfacto, āvi, ātum, 1, v. freq. a. [olfacio], to smell at any thing (ante-class. and post-Aug.).

  1. I. Lit.: vestimentum, Plaut. Men. 1, 2, 56: membrana olfactata, Plin. 28, 16, 63, § 225 (al. olefacta): pulei ramum, id. 20, 14, 54, § 155.
  2. II. Trop., to smell, snuff, detect, perceive: boves caelum olfactantes, Plin. 18, 35, 88, § 364.

* olfactōrĭa, ae, f. [olfacto], a nosegay, bouquet, Fronto de Orat. p. 1 Mai.

olfactōrĭŏlum, i, n. dim. [olfactorium], a little smelling-bottle, scent-bottle (postclass.): olfactoriola vascula sunt muliebria, in quibus odoramenta gestantur, Isid. Orig. 19, 31; Vulg. Isa. 3, 20, et Hier. in loc.

olfactōrĭum, ii, n. [olfacio], a nosegay or smelling-bottle (post-Aug.), Plin. 30, 11, 29, § 97; id. 20, 9, 36, § 92.

olfactrix, īcis, f., v. 1. for olfactatrix (q. v.), Plin. 17, 24, 37, § 239.

1. olfactus, a, um, Part., from olfacio.

2. olfactus, ūs, m. [olfacio].

  1. I. Lit., a smelling, smell (post-Aug.): thymi, Plin. 21, 21, 89, § 156 (al. olfacto thymo); 32, 3, 13, § 28; 35, 15, 51, § 182.
  2. II. Transf., the sense of smell: delphini nec olfactūs vestigia habent, Plin. 11, 37, 50, § 137; 10, 70, 90, § 194.