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objectĭo, ōnis, f. [obicio], a throwing or putting before (post-class.).
- I. Lit.: prorae, Ambros. Ep. 100, § 14: saxorum objectione tutari, Arn. 6, 191.
- II. Trop., an upbraiding, reproach: objectio nominis, Tert. ad Uxor. 2, 5: objectionem repellere, Ambros. Ep. 84: ejus facti, Mart. Cap. 5, § 445.
- B. An objection, Ambros. Fide, 4, 9, 100; Aug. Ep. 166, 15; Macr. Somn. Scip. 2, 16, 20; Aug. Nat. et Grat. 10; Schol. Juv. 10, 324 and 346.
- C. As rhet. fig., = anthypophora, Jul. Rufin. Schem. Dian. § 4.