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mĕlĭmēla, ōrum, n. plur., = μελίμηλα, honey-apples, previously called mustapples (mustea mala): quae antea mustea vocabant, nunc melimela appellant, Varr. R. R. 1, 59; cf.: mustea a celeritate mitescendi, quae nunc melimela dicuntur a sapore melleo, Plin. 15, 14, 15, § 51; Col. 5, 10 fin.; 12, 45; Hor. S. 2, 8, 31; Mart. 7, 25, 7.
In sing.: melimelum a dulcedine appellatum, quod fructus ejus mellis saporem habeat, vel quod in melle servetur, unde et quidam (Mart. 13, 24, 1) Si tibi Cecropio saturata Cydonia melle Ponentur: dicas haec melimela licet, Isid. Orig. 17, 7; cf. melomeli.

mēlĭmĕli, v. melomeli.

mēlŏmĕli (mēlĭmĕli), n., = μηλόμελι, the sirup of preserved quinces, Col. 12, 45, 3.