prīmĭtĭae (prīmĭcĭae), ārum, f. [primus], the first things of their kind, firstlings.
- I. Lit., first-fruits: primitias Cereri farra resecta dabant, Ov. F. 2, 520; id. M. 8, 274; Plin. 18, 2, 2, § 8: pomiferi Laribus consuevimus horti Mittere primitias, Calp. Ecl. 2, 64; Vulg. Exod. 22, 29.
- B. Transf., of other things: primitiae metallorum, the first produce of the mine, Tac. H. 4, 53: vitis, the first shoots, Col. 4, 10, 2: plantae, id. 10, 147.
- II. Trop.: primitiae juvenis miserae, his first unhappy essays, Verg. A. 11, 156: tori, the first nuptial joys, Sil. 3, 111: armorum, the first-fruits of war, Stat. Th. 11, 285: lacrimarum, id. ib. 6, 146: primitiae et quasi libamenta ingenuarum artium, Gell. praef.: spectaculi, App. M. 10, p. 253, 12: commeatus, the beginning of navigation, id. ib. 11, p. 765 Oud.: dormientium, the first to rise from the dead, Vulg. 1 Cor. 15, 20; 15, 23.