aedĭtŭus, i, m. [aedes-tueor; quasi a tuendis aedibus appellatus, Gell. 12, 10], a keeper of a temple, a sacristan, ἱεροφύλαξ (first used in polite language in the time of Varro for aeditumus; v. the word and the passage cited from Varr.).
- I. Lit., Plaut. Curc. 1, 3, 48: aeditui custodesque mature sentiunt, etc., * Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 44; Suet. Dom. 1 al. It belonged also to the office of the aeditui to conduct strangers through the temple, and point out its curiosities, hence Horace says: quales aedituos habeat virtus, what panegyrists, Ep. 2, 1, 230.
- II. In gen., priests, ministers (eccl.): erunt in sanctuario meo aeditui, Vulg. Ezech. 44, 1; ib. Ose. 10, 5.