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trŭtĭna, ae, f. [τρυτάνη], a balance, pair of scales (cf.: lanx, statera).

  1. I. Lit., Varr. L. L. 5, § 183 Müll.; id. ap. Non. 180, 32: ex trutinis quae staterae dicuntur, Vitr. 10, 8.
  2. II. Trop.: ad ea probanda quae non aurificis staterā, sed quādam populari trutinā examinantur, * Cic. de Or. 2, 38, 159: Romani pensantur eādem Scriptores trutinā, Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 30; id. S. 1, 3, 72: aliā parte in trutinā suspendit Homerum, Juv. 6, 437: examenve inprobum in illā castiges trutinā, Pers. 1, 7.

trŭtĭnātor, ōris, m. [trutinor], a weigher; only trop., one who examines, judges: ut civilia negotia aequus trutinator examines, Cassiod. Var. 6, 23; Ennod. Epigr. 1, 1; 2, 19.

trŭtĭno, āre, 1, v. a., and trŭtĭnor, ātus, 1, v. dep. a. [trutina]

  1. I. Dep. form, to weigh, balance (syn. pensito).
    Trop.: verba, Pers. 3, 82.
  2. II. Act., Hier. Ep. 36, 14: diu trutinandus est, cui traduntur examina, Cassiod. Var. 5, 40.
    1. B. trŭtĭnā-tus, a, um, in a pass. signif., Sid. Ep. 7, 9.