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quingēnārĭus, a, um, adj. [quingeni].

  1. I. Consisting of five hundred each (post-Aug.): cohortes, Curt. 5, 2, 3.
  2. II. Consisting of five hundred: thorax, i. e. of five hundred pounds weight, Plin. 7, 20, 19, § 83: lanx, id. 33, 11, 52, § 145: poena, a fine of five hundred asses, Gai. Inst. 4, 14 init.

quingēni, ae, a, num. distr. adj. [quingenti].

  1. I. Five hundred each (class.): quingenos denarios dat, Cic. Att. 16, 8, 1; 4, 16, 7; Suet. Aug. 101; id. Caes. 38; id. Ner. 10; Dig. 38, 1, 15.
  2. II. In gen., five hundred, Col. 5, 2, 6.

quingentārĭus, a, um, adj. [quingeni], consisting of five hundred (post-class.): cohors, Veg. Mil. 2, 6.

quingentēni, ae, a, num. distr. adj. [id.], = quingeni, Vulg. 2 Macc. 8, 22.

quingentēsĭmus, a, um, adj. [quingeni], the five hundredth (class.): annus, Cic. Fl. 1, 1; so Plin. 15, 1, 1, § 2.

quingenti (old orthogr. quincenti, acc. to Fest. p. 254 Müll.), ae, a (gen. plur. quingentum, Liv. 10, 37, 5, etc.: quingentorum, Tac. A. 6, 34; Just. 2, 11), num. adj. [quinque-centum].

  1. I. Five hundred: quingentos uno ictu occidere, Plaut. Mil. 1, 1, 52: non plus mille quingentum aeris afferre, Cic. Rep. 2, 22, 40: drachmae, Hor. S. 2, 7, 43; Suet. Galb. 5: quingentum milium verborum, Varr. L. L. 6, § 37 Müll.; so, quingentum, Gell. 7, 14, 8: quingentorum milium, Just. 2, 11, 15.
  2. II. Indefinitely, for a great number, five hundred, Plaut. Curc. 4, 4, 31; cf.: milia quingenta, thousands upon thousands, Cat. 95, 3.

quingentĭes (-tĭens), adv. [quingenti], five hundred times: quingentiens mille, Vitr. 1, 6.
Of money: quingentiens HS., fifty millions of sesterces, Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 38, § 93: miliens et quingentiens, Suet. Aug. 101; id. Galb. 5.