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pseudanchūsa or pseudoan-chūsa, ae, f., = ψευδάγχουσα, a plant, bastard-anchusa, alkanet, oxtongue, bugloss, Plin. 22, 20, 24, § 50.

pseudăpostŏlus, i, m., = ψευδαπόστολος, a false apostle, Tert. Praescr. 4; id. Res. Carn. 24; Vulg. 2 Cor. 11, 13.

pseudĕnĕdrus, i, m., = ψευδένεδρος, a feigned lier-in-wait, Firm. Math. 3, 8, 7 fin.

pseudīsŏdŏmos, i, m., = ψευδισόδομος, a disproportionate building, Vitr. 2, 8; Plin. 36, 22, 51, § 171.

Pseudŏ-antōnīnus, i, m., the false Antoninus, Pseudo-Antoninus, Lampr. Elag. 8.

pseudŏbūnĭon, ĭi, n., = ψευδοβούνιον, a plant, bastard-bunion, Plin. 24, 16, 96, § 153.

Pseudŏ-căto, ōnis, m., a sham Cato, Pseudo-Cato, Cic. Att. 1, 14, 6.

Pseudŏ-christus, i, m., a false Christ, Pseudo-Christ, Tert. adv. Marc. 3, 3; Vulg. Matt. 24, 24.

pseudŏcypērus or pseudŏcy-prus, i, f., = ψευδοκύπειρος, a plant, falsecyperus, Plin. 17, 13, 20, § 95.

Pseudŏ-dămăsippus, i, m., falseDamasippus, Pseudo-Damasippus, Cic. Fam. 7, 23, 3.

pseudŏ-dĕcĭmiāna pĭra, pears similar to the decimiana pira, Plin. 15, 15, 16, § 54.

pseudŏ-dĭācŏnus, i, m., = ψευδοδιάκονος, a false deacon, Hier. Ep. 143, 2.

pseudŏdictamnum, i, n., and pseudŏdictamnos, i, f., = ψευδοδίκταμνον, bastard-dittany, Plin. 25, 8, 53, § 93; 26, 15, 90, § 154; App. Herb. 62.

pseudŏdiptĕros, on, adj., = ψευδοδίπτερος, that appears to have two rows of columns, pseudodipteral: aedes, Vitr. 3, 1; 2.

pseudŏ-ĕpiscŏpus, i, m., = ψευδεπίσκοπος, a false bishop, Cyprian. Ep. 55.

pseudŏ-flāvus, a, um, adj., not exactly yellow, yellowish: color, Marc. Emp. 8.

pseudŏ-grăphus, a, um, adj., = ψευδογράφος, having a false superscription or title, Cassiod. Inst. Litt. 5.

pseudŏ-lĭquĭdus, a, um, adj., apparently liquid: mel, Marc. Emp. 16.

Pseudŏlus, i, m., = ψευδής (lying), The Liar, the title of a comedy of Plautus, Cic. Lael. 14, 50.

pseudŏmĕnos or -us, i, m., = ψευδόμενος; in logic, a false, sophistical species of syllogism, Cic. Ac. 2, 48, 147; id. Fragm. ap. Non. 329, 19 (as Greek, Cic. Div. 2, 4, 11; Sen. Ep. 45, 10).

pseudŏnardus, i, f., = ψευδόναρδος, bastard-nard, Plin. 12, 12, 26, § 43.

pseudŏnedrus, i, m., = ψευδόνεδρος, a secret lier-in-wait, Firm. Math. 3, 8.

pseudŏpastor, ōris, m. [ψευδής-pastor], a false pastor (eccl. Lat.), Hier. in Eph. 2, 4, 11.

pseudŏpătum, i, n., = ψευδόπατον, a false floor (in a house), Cod. Just. 8, 10, 12.

pseudŏpĕriptĕros, on, adj., = ψευδοπερίπτερος, that seems to have columns all round, Vitr. 4, 7 fin.

Pseudŏ-phĭlippus, i, m., the false Philip, Pseudo-Philip, i. e. Andriscus, who gave himself out to be Philip, son of King Perseus, Cic. Agr. 2, 33, 90; Liv. Epit. 49; Vell. 1, 11, 1; Flor. 2, 14, 3; Val. Max. 7, 5, 4.

pseudŏprŏphēta, ae, m., = ψευδοπροφήτης, a false prophet, Tert. adv. Haer. 4; Vulg. Zach. 13, 2; id. Luc. 6, 26.

pseudŏprŏphētīa, ae, f., = ψευδοπροφητεία, a false prophecy, Tert. Jejun. 11.

pseudŏprŏphētĭcus, a, um, adj., = ψευδοπροφητικός, prophesying falsely, pseudo-prophetic: spiritus, Tert. Pudic. 21.

pseudŏprŏphētis, ĭdis, f., = ψευδοπροφῆτις, a false prophetess, Tert. Anim. 57.

Pseudŏpylae, ārum, f., = ψευδόπυλαι (false doors), the name of two islands in the Arabian Gulf, near Ethiopia, Plin. 6, 29, 34, § 174.

pseudŏsĕlīnum, i, n., = ψευδοσέλινον, a plant, bastard-selinum, App. Herb. 2.

pseudŏsmăragdus, i, m., = ψευδοσμάραγδος, a false emerald, Plin. 37, 5, 19, § 75.

pseudosphex, ēcis, f., = ψευδόσφηξ, a false wasp, Plin. 30, 11, 30, § 98.

pseudŏthyrum, i, n., = ψευδόθυρον.

  1. I. Lit., a backdoor, private entrance, postern-gate: palatii, Amm. 14, 1, 3; Oros. 7, 6 fin.
  2. II. Trop., a secret manner: (nummi) per pseudothyrum revertantur, Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 20, § 50: non janua receptis, sed pseudothyro intromissis voluptatibus, id. Red. in Sen. 6, 14.

pseudŏ-urbānus, a, um, adj., imitating the fashion of towns: aedificia, Vitr. 6, 8 fin.