Lewis & Short

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The word myristica could not be parsed. Trying a normal dictionary lookup:

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1. myrīcē, ēs, or myrīca, ae, f., = μυρίκη, the tamarisk, a kind of shrub, Plin. 13, 21, 37, § 116; 24, 9, 41, § 67.
Prov., to signify something impossible: pinguia corticibus sudent electra myricae, Verg. E. 8, 54.

2. Myrīcē, ēs, f., a nymph, from whom Hannibal’s wife Imilce was said to be descended, Sil. 3, 103.

Myrīna, ae, f., = Μυρίνα.

  1. I. A fortified seaport town of the Æolians, in Asia Minor, afterwards called Sebastopolis, Cic. Fam. 5, 20, 8; Liv. 33, 30, 3; Tac. A. 2, 47.
    1. B. Myrīnus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to Myrina, Mart. 9, 43, 1.
  2. II. A city in the Isle of Lemnos, Plin. 4, 12, 23, § 73.
  3. III. A town in Crete, Plin. 4, 12, 20, § 59.

mȳrĭŏgĕnĕsis, is, f., = μυριογἐνεσις, multiple generation, Firm. Math. 8, 18.

mȳrĭōnymus, a, um, adj., = μυριώνυμος, with countless names, Inscr. Grut. 8, 3, 11.

mȳrĭŏ-phyllon, ii, n., = μυριόφυλλον, pure Lat. millefolium, the plant milfoil, yarrow, Plin. 24, 16, 95, § 152.

Myriza, v. Myrriza.