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intercălāris, e, adj. [intercalo],

  1. I. of or for insertion, that is to be or is inserted, intercalary: dies, an intercalary day, Plin. 2, 8, 6, § 35; Censor. de Die Nat. 20; Macr. S. 1, 13; Sol. 1: mensis, an intercalary month, Macr. S. 1, 13; Censor. l. l.: Kalendae, the first day of an intercalary month, Cic. Quint. 25, 79; Liv. 43, 11, 13; 45, 44, 3: Calendae priores, the first day of the first intercalary month (of the two months that Cæsar intercalated), Cic. Fam. 6, 14, 2; cf. the foll. art.
  2. II. Transf.: versus, with a refrain or burden (as in Verg. E. 8: incipe Maenalios, etc.; and: ducite ab urbe domum), Serv. ib. 21.

intercălārĭus, a, um, adj. [intercalaris], of or for insertion, intercalary: mensis, an intercalary month, Liv. 1, 19, 6; 37, 59, 2; Suet. Caes. 40; the same absol.: intercalarius, Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 52, § 130: annus, leap-year, Plin. 2, 47, 48, § 130; 18, 25, 57, § 207.