Lewis & Short

Parsing inflected forms may not always work as expected. If the following does not give the correct word, try Latin Words or Perseus.

incomprĕhensĭbĭlis, e, adj. [2. incomprehendo], that cannot be seized or held, that cannot be grasped (post-Aug.).

  1. I. Lit.: parvitas arenae, Col. 10 praef. § 4: alces incomprehensibili fuga pollet, that cannot be overtaken, Sol. 20.
    Neutr. as subst.: constare ex comprehensibili et incomprehensibili, Tert. Ap. 48.
  2. II. Trop.
    1. A. (The fig. is of a wrestler.) In disputando incomprehensibilis et lubricus, Plin. Ep. 1, 20, 6 Döring.
    2. B. Of the mind, incomprehensible, inconceivable: vitiosae consuetudinis immensum et incomprehensibile arbitrium est, i. e. illimitable, endless, Sen. Cons. ad Helv. 11, 1; cf., opus, id. Ep. 94, 14: cum igitur illa incerta (natura) incomprehensibilisque sit, incomprehensible, Cels. praef. med.: praecepta, Quint. 9, 1, 12.
      Adv.: in-comprĕhensĭbĭlĭter, incomprehensibly, Hier. Ep. 87; Ambros. in Luc. 2, 1: natus filius, Hilar. Trin. 3, 17; Lact. 3, 2, 6.