Parsing inflected forms may not always work as expected. If the following does not give the correct word, try Latin Words or Perseus.
fultūra, ae, f. [fulcio], a prop, stay, support (perh. not ante-Aug.).
- I. Lit.: fundamenta pro fultura et substructione fungentur, Col. 1, 5, 9.
In plur.: Vitr. 10, 22 fin.
- II. Transf., a strengthening, refreshing (cf. fulcio, I. B.): deficient inopem venae te, ni cibus atque Ingens accedit stomacho fultura ruenti, Hor. S. 2, 3, 154: cujus (corporis) fulturis animus sustinetur, Plin. Ep. 1, 9, 4.