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fāgĕus, a, um, adj. [fagus], of beech, beechen: glans, Plin. 16, 5, 6, § 16; 16, 6, 8, § 25: lucus, id. 16, 10, 15, § 37: nemus, id. 16, 44, 91, § 242.

fāgĭnĕus, a, um, adj. [fagus], of beech, beechen: materia, beech-wood, Cato, R. R. 21, 4: alveus, Ov. M. 8, 654.

fāgĭnus, a, um, adj. [fagus], of beech, beechen.

  1. I. Adj.: frons, Ov. F. 4, 656: pocula, Verg. E. 3, 37: axis, id. G. 3, 172: arculae, Col. 12, 45, 5.
  2. * II. Subst.: fāgĭ-nus, for fagus, a beech-tree, Calp. Ecl. 2, 59.

fāgus, i (nom. plur.: fagūs, Verg. Cul. 139), f. [prob. root φαγ-, to eat; cf. faba and Gr. φηγός, φηγών; Germ. Buche; Engl. beech, originally a tree with edible fruit], = φηγός, a beech-tree: Fagus silvatica, Linn.; Verg. E. 1, 1; Caes. B. G. 5, 12, 5; Plin. 16, 5, 6, § 16 sq.; 24, 5, 9, § 14; Ov. M. 10, 92: felices arboresquercus, fagus, etc., Veran. ap. Macr. S. 3, 20, 2 al.

Fāgūtālis (also Fācūt-), e, adj. [fagus], lit., of the beech-tree: lucus, a grove sacred to Jupiter, on the Esquiline hill, Varr. L. L. 5, § 49 Müll. sq.; hence, Juppiter, as worshipped there, Plin. 16, 10, 15, § 37.
And subst.: Fāgūtal, ālis, n., the shrine of Jupiter situated there, Paul. ex Fest. p. 87; id. p. 340, a; 348, b Müll.