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confervesco, ferbui (cf. ferveo, and Prisc. p. 866 P.), 3, v. inch. n. [conferveo], to begin to boil, to become heated, grow hot (perh. not ante-Aug.).
- I. In gen.
- A. Prop.: aër conclusus versando confervescit, Vitr. 5, 3; 2, 6, 4: granum, si tegulis subjaceat, confervescere, Plin. 18, 30, 73, § 302 al.
- B. Trop.: mea cum conferbuit ira, * Hor. S. 1, 2, 71.
- II. In medic. lang., of broken limbs, to heal, grow together: si quando ossa non conferbuerunt, Cels. 8, 10, 7; cf. id. 8, 10, 1; 8, 8, 7.