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cōmissābundus (cōmess-), a, um, adj. [comissor], holding a riotous procession, revelling, banqueting, carousing: comissabundus temulento agmine per Indiam incessit (Alexander Magnus; in regard to his imitation of the procession in honor of Bacchus through Asia; v. Curt. 9, 10, 26), Liv. 9, 17, 17; Curt. 5, 7, 10; 9, 10, 26: ubi (Athenis) comissabundi juvenes ante meridiem conventus sapientium frequentabant, decorated, crowned, etc., for a procession, Plin. 21, 3, 6, § 9.

cōmissālĭter (cōmess-), adv., from an adj. comissalis, not in use [id.], as in revelling processions, wantonly, jovially: cantare, Sid. Ep. 1, 5.

cōmissātĭo (cōmess-), ōnis, f. [comissor], a Bacchanalian revel, and the succeeding nocturnal procession with torches and music, a revelling, rioting, Cic. Mur. 6, 13; Liv. 40, 13, 3; Suet. Calig. 55; Mart. 12, 48, 11; Gell. 1, 9, 9.
In plur., Cic. Cael. 15, 35; id. Cat. 2, 5, 10; Varr. L. L. 7, § 89 Müll.; Liv. 1, 57, 5; Suet. Vit. 13; id. Tit. 7; Sen. Ben. 6, 32, 1; id. Cons. ad Helv. 10, 9; id. Ep. 51, 1.
The tropes tempestas comissationis and comissatio tempestatis are censured, the former as too bold and the latter as too feeble, by Cic., de Or. 3, 41, 164.

cōmissātor (cōmess-), ōris, m. [comissor],

  1. I. one who holds or joins in a festive procession, a reveller, Ter. Ad. 5, 2, 8; Cic. Cael. 28, 67; Liv. 40, 7, 8; 40, 9, 1; Quint. 3, 6, 26; Petr. 65, 3; Mart. 9, 62, 15; Gell. 4, 14, 4 al.
  2. II. Trop.: libellus, a book of songs used in a comissatio, Mart. 5, 16, 9: comissatores conjurationis, in contempt for the companions, participants, in the Catilinian conspiracy, Cic. Att. 1, 16, 11.