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Carpi, ōrum, m., a people on the Danube, in Dacia, Eutr. 9, 25; Vop. Aur. 30; Lact. Mort. Pers. 4, 3.

Carpinātĭus, i, m., the pro-magister of the Publicani in Sicily under Verres, and one of the chief agents in his robberies, Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 71, § 167 al.

carpīnĕus, a, um, adj. [carpinus] made of hornbeam: manubria, Col. 11, 2, 92.

carpīnus, i, f., hornbeam of two species,

  1. I. Alba or carpinus alone: Carpinus betulus, Linn.; now carpino bianco, Vitr. 2, 9, 12, p. 74 Bip.; Col. 5, 7, 1; Plin. 16, 15, 26, § 67; 16, 18, 30, § 74; 16, 43, 83, § 227.
  2. II. Atra, now called sappino: Carpinus ostrya, Linn.; Cato, R. R. 31; cf. Plin. 16, 39, 75, § 193.

carpiscŭlus or carpuscŭlus, i, m. [κρηπις, crepida].

  1. I. A kind of shoes, Vop. Aur. 30.
  2. II. In architecture, groundwork, basement, Inscr. Orell. 3272.

carpistes, ae, m. [καρπιστής], one of the Æons of Valentinus, i. q. horos, Tert. adv. Val. 9.