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āversĭo, ōnis, f. [averto].
- I. a turning away; only in the adverb. phrases,
- A. Ex aversione, from behind: illi de praesidio insecuti ex aversione legatos jugulārunt, Auct. B. Hisp. 22 Moeb.
- B. In the Latin of the jurists: per aversionem or aversione emere, vendere, locare, etc., to buy, sell, etc., something, with a turning away, turned away, i. e. without accurate reckoning, in the gross, by the lot, Dig. 18, 6, 4; 18, 1, 62; 14, 2, 10; 19, 2, 36; 14, 1, 1 al.
- II.
- A. In rhet., a turning away, a figure by which the orator turns the attention of his hearers from the theme before them, a kind of apostrophe (e. g. Cic. Cael. 1; id. Rosc. Am. 49; Verg. A. 4, 425), Quint. 9, 2, 39; Aquil. Rom. 9, p. 102 Ruhnk. Frotsch.
- B. Trop., aversion, loathing (post-class.): non metu mortis se patriam deserere, sed Deorum coactum aversione, Dictys, Bell. Troj. 4, 18: aversione stomachorum di laborant, Arn. 7, p. 231.