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amburbāle, is, n. (sc. sacrificium), i. q. amburbium, Serv. ad Verg. E. 3, 77; cf. the two foll. articles.

amburbĭāles hostiae, the victims which were led round the city of Rome, Paul. ex Fest. p. 5 Müll.

amb-urbĭum, ii, n. [urbs], the expiatory procession round the city of Rome, at which sacrifices were offered (v. the preced.); Serv. ad Verg. E. 3, 77; Paul. ex Fest. p. 17 Müll.: lustrata urbs, cantata carmina, amburbium celebratum, ambarvalia promissa, Vop. Aur. 20 (described in Luc. 1, 592 sq.).

amb-ūro, ussi, ustum, 3, v. a., to burn around, to scorch (opp. exurere, to burn entirely up); also, with an extension of the idea, to burn wholly up, to consume (most freq. in part. perf.; class.).

  1. I. Lit.
    1. A. Hadrianus vivus exustus est: Verres sociorum ambustus incendio, tamen ex illā flammā periculoque evasit, Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 27: Herculis corpus ambustum, id. Sest. 68, 143: terret ambustus Phaëthon avaras spes, Hor. C. 4, 11, 25 al.
      So Cicero jestingly calls the tribune of the people Munacius Plancus, at whose suggestion the enraged populace set fire to the senate-house, tribunus ambustus, the singed tribune of the people, Cic. Mil. 5, 12 Moeb.
      Of those whom the lightning had struck, but not killed: Sen. Agam. 537: tot circa me jactis fulminibus quasi ambustus, Plin. Ep. 3, 11, 3; so Plaut. Ep. 5, 2, 9; id. Mil. 3, 2, 22: Cassius, quem fama est esse libris Ambustum propriis, Hor. S. 1, 10, 64: magna vis frumenti ambusta, Tac. H. 5, 12: ambustum theatrum, Suet. Claud. 21 al.
      Hence, ambu-stum, i, n., in medic. lang., a burn: inflammatio recentis ambusti, Plin. 24, 8, 35, § 51: sedare ambusta, id. 24, 4, 5, § 10: ambusta sanare, id. 20, 20, 82, § 217: ambusta igne vel frigore, id. 24, 8, 29, § 45 al.
    2. B. From the similarity of effect, to injure by cold, to nip, benumb (cf. aduro): ambusti multorum artus vi frigoris, Tac. A. 13, 35: ambusta pruinis lumina, i. e. oculi, Val. Fl. 4, 70.
  2. II. Trop.
    1. A. Of property: ambustas fortunarum mearum reliquias, the charred remains, Cic. Dom. 43.
    2. B. Of one who, when tried for an offence, comes off with great trouble: qui damnatione collegae et suā prope ambustus evaserat, had come off scorched, Liv. 22, 35.