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Palmȳra (Palmīra), ae, f., = Παλμύρα, Παλμιρα, a city of Syria, whose ruins still remain, the seat of the empire of Odenathus and Zenobia, Plin. 5, 25, 21, § 86; 6, 28, 32, § 144.
Hence, Palmȳrēnus (Palmīr-), a, um, adj., of Palmyra: solitudines, Plin. 5, 24, 21, § 87.
Subst.: Palmȳ-rēna, ae, f., the country around Palmyra, Plin. 6, 28, 32, § 143; and Palmȳrēnus, i, m., an epithet of the emperor L. Domitius Aurelius, on account of his victory over Palmyra, Inscr. Grut. 276, 5.