prae-cerpo (praecarpo, Oppius ap. Macr. S. 2, 15), psi, ptum, 3, v. a. [carpo].
- I. To pluck, break off, or gather before, or before the time (poet. and in post-Aug. prose): messes, Ov. H. 20, 143: germinum tenera, Plin. 18, 19, 49, § 177: mala citrea (opp. maturescere), Oppius ap. Macr. l. l.
- B. Trop., to pluck beforehand; hence, to take away, lessen, diminish (class.): non praecerpo fructum officii tui, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 37, § 80: purpurae decus praecerptum praefloratumque, Plin. Pan. 58 fin.: gratiam novitatis, id. Ep. 5, 20, 8.
- * II. To pluck out in front: jubas, Stat. Th. 9, 193.
- * III. To make extracts from: Aristotelis libros, Gell. 2, 30, 11.