Portŭensis (also written PORTENSIS, Inscr. Grut. 437, 2; 1027, 4), e, adj. [portus], of or belonging to the port of Ostia, Portuensian: mensores, grain-measurers at the port of Ostia, Cod. Th. 14, 4, 9; Inscr. Grut. 462, 1: horrea, granaries at the port of Ostia, Cod. Th. 14, 23, 1: SVSCEPTORES, collectors of port-duties, Inscr. Orell. 3184: FABER FERRARIVS, Inscr. Fabr. p. 84, n. 144; cf. Nibby, Della via Portuense e dell’ antica città di Porto, Rom. 1827.