Lewis & Short

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tărandrus, i, m., an animal found in northern countries; acc. to Cuvier, the reindeer, Plin. 8, 34, 52, § 124; Sol. 30 med.

Tărănis, is, m., the name of Jupiter among the Gauls, Luc. 1, 446; and so perh. TANARVS, Inscr. Orell. 2054.

Taranucnus, i, m., the name of a German deity, Inscr. Orell. 2055 sq.; Cod. Inscr. 50 Steiner.

Tăras, antis, m., = Τάρας.

  1. I. A son of Neptune, and founder of the city of Tarentum, Stat. S. 1, 1, 103.
  2. II. The city of Tarentum, Luc. 5, 376.

Tărătalla, a humorous name of a cook, taken from Homer (Il. 1, 465): Μίστυλλον τ’ ἄρα τ’ ἄλλα: si tibi Mistyllus cocus, Aemiliane, vocatur, Dicetur quare non Taratalla mihi? Mart. 1, 51, 2.

* tărătantără, an onomatopee, representing the sound of the tuba: at tuba terribili sonitu taratantara dixit, Enn. ap. Prisc. p. 842 P. (Ann. v. 452 Vahl.).