Parsing inflected forms may not always work as expected. If the following does not give the correct word, try Latin Words or Perseus.
possessor, ōris, m. [possideo], a possessor (class.)
- I. Lit., Cic. Phil. 5, 7, 20: bonorum, id. Quint. 8, 30: regni inertis, i. e. Pluto, Luc. 6, 779; Hor. Ep. 1, 2, 49.
Esp. t. t. in law (post-Aug.), the possessor of the thing claimed; hence, the defendant in a suit (opp. petitor), Plin. Ep. 6, 2, 2; Quint. 7, 1, 38; Paul. Sent. 5, 36, 1.
- II. Trop.: Aquilo possessor Italici litoris, Petr. 114.
1. possessus, a, um, Part., from possideo and possido.