Lewis & Short

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The word instratio could not be parsed. Trying a normal dictionary lookup:

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instrātum, i, n. [insterno], a covering (ante- and post-class.), Cato, R. R. 10, 3; Dig. 50, 16, 45.

1. instrātus, a, um, Part., from insterno.

* 2. in-strātus, a, um, adj. [2. insterno], not covered or spread over: cubile, an unspread couch, Verg. G. 3, 230 (so interpp. plur. ad loc.; but it is better to construe instrato as part. of insterno, with frondibus hirsutis; cf.: instrata cubilia fronde, Lucr. 5, 987 Wakef. ad loc.).