Lewis & Short

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The word indigitamentorum could not be parsed. Trying a normal dictionary lookup:

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indĭgĭtāmenta (indĭgĕt-), ōrum, n. plur. [in-digito], religious books containing the names of the gods and prescribing the mode of worshipping them, Censor. 3, 4: Apollinis nomen Pompiliana indigitamenta nescire, Arn. 2, 95; Serv. ad Verg. G. 1, 21: indigitamenta incantamenta vel indicia, Paul. ex Fest. p. 114 Müll.: Grannius Flaccus in libro, quem ad Caesarem de indigitamentis scriptum reiiquit, Censor. 3, 2.