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entătĭcus, a, um, adj., = ἐντατικός, stretching, stimulating.

  1. I. Adj.: emplastron, Fulg. Myth. 3, 7.
  2. II. Subst.: enta-tĭcus, i, m., a plant = satyrion, App. Herb. 15.

entĕlĕchīa, ae, f., = ἐντελέχεια, in the lang. of the Aristotelian philosophy, actuality, Tert. Anim. 32; Macr. Somn. Scip. 1, 14; cf. Cic. Tusc. 1, 10, 22 (v. Lidd. and Scott, s. v. ἐντελέχεια).

Entella, ae, f., = Ἔντελλα, a city in the interior of Sicily, now Rocca d’ Entella, Sil. 14, 204.
Hence, Entellīni, ōrum, m., the inhabitants of Entella, Plin. 3, 8, 14, § 91.
In sing., Entellinus, Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 87.
And adj.: Entellinus senatus, id. ib.

Entellus, i, m., a Sicilian hero, famous as a pugilist, Verg. A. 5, 387 sq.

entĕrŏcēle, ēs, f., = ἐντεροκήλη, a rupture, hernia, Plin. 26, 13, 83, § 134; Mart. 10, 56; 11, 84.
Hence, entĕrŏcēlĭcus, i, m., one suffering from hernia, Plin. 26, 8, 49, § 79 al.; Mart. 12, 70.

* enthĕātus, a, um, adj. [enthĕus], divinely inspired, Mart. 12, 57.

enthēca, ae, f., = ἐνθήκη.

  1. I. A store, Cod. Th. 14, 3, 7; Dig. 32, 67, § 2 al.
  2. II. A magazine, Cod. Th. 15, 1, 12.
  3. III. A hoard, August. Serm. 355, 4.

enthĕus, a, um, adj., = ἔνθεος.

  1. I. Pass., divinely inspired (a poet. word of the post-Aug. per.), Mart. 11, 84; Stat. S. 1, 2, 227; 3, 5, 97; Sen. Med. 382 al.
  2. * II. Act., inspiring: mater, i. e. Cybele, Mart. 5, 41, 3.

enthūsĭastae, ārum, m., a sect of heretics, Cod. Th. 16, 5, 65, § 5.

enthȳmēma, ătis, n., = ἐνθύμημα, rhetor. and dialect. t. t.

  1. I. A reflection, meditation, an argument (pure Lat. commentatio), Quint. 5, 10, 1; 5, 14, 1; 24; 8, 5, 4 et saep.; Cic. Top. 14; Juv. 6, 450.
  2. II. A conclusion drawn from the contrary, Cic. Top. 13, 55; Quint. 8, 5, 9.

enthȳmēsis, is, f., = ἐνθύμησις, animation (late Lat.), Tert. adv. Val. 9 fin. al.