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cŭbĭcŭlārĭus, a, um (cŭbĭcŭlāris, e; gen., Cic. Div. 2, 65, 134; dat., id. Tusc. 5, 20, 59; but ap. Suet. Aug. 7, the better read. is cubiculi Lares; v. cubiculum, I.), adj. [cubiculum], of or pertaining to a sleepingchamber.

  1. I. Adj.: lucerna, Mart. 14, 39 in lemm.: gausapina, id. 14, 147 in lemm.: stragula, Plin. 8, 58, 83, § 226.
  2. II. Subst.: cŭ-bĭcŭlārĭus, ii, m., a chamber-servant, valet-de-chambre: hunc vestri janitores, hunc cubicularii diligunt, Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 4, § 8; id. Att. 6, 2, 5: manerecum uno medico et cubicularis duobus, Suet. Caes. 4 Roth (al. -ariis); id. Ner. 38; Capitol. Pert. 4: decurio cubiculariorum, the head of the servants of the bedchamber, Suet. Dom. 17.

* cŭbĭcŭlātus, a, um, adj. [cubiculum], furnished with bedchambers or state-rooms: naves, Sen. Ben. 7, 20, 3.

cŭbĭcŭlum (cŭbīclum, per sync., Mart. 10, 30, 17 dub.), i, n. [cubo], an apartment for reclining or (more freq.) for sleeping (cf. cubo), a resting- or sleepingchamber, a bedchamber.

  1. I. Prop., Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 7; Serv. Galba ap. Cic. de Or. 2, 65, 263; Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 23, § 56; Plin. Ep. 1, 3, 1; Quint. 10, 3, 25; Tac. A. 14, 44; Suet. Caes. 49: Lares cubiculi, Suet. Dom. 17; id. Aug. 7 Roth ex conj. Lips.; v. cubicularius init.
  2. II. Transf.
    1. A. The elevated seat of the emperor in the theatre, Suet. Ner. 12; Plin. Pan. 51, 4.
    2. * B. In arch., a joint, groove of a stone, its bed, Vitr. 2, 8; cf. cubile, I. B.

cŭbĭcus (cyb-), a, um, adj., = κυβικός, cubic, cubical: rationes, Vitr. 5, praef. 3: soliditas, Mart. Cap. 2, § 102.