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1. aero, āre, v. aeratus.

2. aero (also written ēro), ōnis, m., = αἴρω, a braided or wicker basket, hamper: aerones ex ulva palustri facti, Vitr. 5, 12: aeronibus harenae plenis, Plin. 36, 14, 21, § 96; Dig. 19, 2, 31; cf. Don. ad Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 72.

āĕrŏīdēs, ae, m., = ἀεροειδής, of the color of the air, like air, sky-blue: berylli, Plin. 37, 5, 21, § 77.

āĕrŏmantīa, ae, f., = ἀερομαντεία, divination from the state of the air, aëromancy, Isid. Orig. 8, 9.

Āĕrŏpē, ēs, and Āĕrŏpa, ae, f., = Ἀερόπη, the wife of Atreus, Ov. Tr. 2, 391; Hyg. Fab. 86, 88.

āĕrŏphŏbus, i, m., = ἀεροφόβος, one that fears the air, Cael. Aur. Acut. 3, 12.

aerōsus, a, um, adj. [aes], full of copper: Cyprus, Paul. ex Fest. p. 20 Müll.: aurum, gold that contains many parts of copper, Plin. 33, 5, 29, § 93: ferrum, id. 34, 14, 41, § 143: pecunia, Dig. 46, 3, 102.