1. ac-cīdo, cīdi, cīsum, 3, v. a. [caedo], to begin to cut or to cut into [cf.: adamo, addubito, etc.); hence, so to cut a thing that it falls, to fell, to cut (as verb. finit. very rare).
- I. Lit.: accidunt arbores, tantum ut summa species earum stantium relinquatur, Caes. B. G. 6, 27, 4: accisa ornus ferro, Verg. A. 2, 626; cf.: velut accisis recrescenti stirpibus, Liv. 26, 41, 22: accisis crinibus, cut close, Tac. G. 19: ab locustis genus omne acciditur frugum, eaten up, Arnob. 1, 3.
Poet., to use up: fames accisis coget dapibus consumere mensas, Verg. A. 7, 125.
- II. Fig., to impair, weaken: ita proelio uno accidit Vestinorum res, ut, etc., Liv. 8, 29, 12; so, post accisas a Camillo Volscorum res, id. 6, 5, 2; cf. 6, 12, 6.
Hence, accīsus, a, um, P. a., cut off or down; impaired, ruined: accisae res (opp. integrae), troubled, disordered, or unfortunate state of things: res, Cic. Prov. Cons. 14, 34; Liv. 3, 10, 8; 8, 11, 12 al.: copiae, Hirt. B. G. 8, 31; Liv. 8, 11, 8: robur juventutis, id. 7, 29 fin.: opes, Hor. S. 2, 2, 114: accisae desolataeque gentes, Sil. 8, 590: reliquiae (hostium), Tac. A. 1, 61.
2. ac-cĭdo, cīdi, no sup., 3, v. n. [cado], to fall upon or down upon a thing, to reach it by falling.
- I. Lit.
- A. In gen. constr. with ad, in, local adverbs, with dat. or absol.: utinam ne accidisset abiegna ad terram trabes, Enn. ap. Auct. Her. 2, 22 (Trag. p. 281 ed. Vahl., where it is: accĕdisset, acc. to the MSS., v. Vahl. N. v.): signa de caelo ad terram, Plaut. Rud. prol. 8; so, tam crebri ad terram accidebant quam pira, id. Poen. 2, 38: trabs in humum accidens, Varr. ap. Non. 494 fin.; so, imago aetheris ex oris in terrarum accidat oras, Lucr. 4, 215: rosa in mensas, Ov. F. 5, 360: quo Castalia per struices saxeas lapsu accidit, Liv. Andr. ap. Fest. p. 310 Müll. (Rib. Trag. Rel. p. 5): ut missa tela gravius acciderent, fall upon, hit, Caes. B. G. 3, 14; so Liv. 2, 50, 7.
- B. Esp.: a. ad genua or genibus, of a suppliant, to fall at one’s knees: me orat mulier lacrimansque ad genua accidit, Enn. ap. Non. 517, 15 (Com. v. 9 ed. Vahl.); so Ter. Hec. 3, 3, 18; Suet. Caes. 20; id. Claud. 10; for which: genibus praetoris, Liv. 44, 31; also: ad pedes, Cic. Att. 1, 14, 5, and absol.: quo accĭdam? quo applicem? Enn. ap. Cic. Tusc. 3, 19, 44 (Trag. v. 114 ed. Vahl., where it is accĕdam).
- C. Transf., to strike the senses, to reach a thing by means of the senses; constr. with ad, the dat. or acc.: vox, sermo accidit ad aurīs (or auribus; also, aurīs alicujus), the voice, the speech falls upon or reaches the ear: nota vox ad aurīs accidit, Att. ap. Non. 39, 5: nova res molitur ad aurīs accidere, Lucr. 2, 1024; and: nihil tam populare ad populi Romani aurīs accidisse, Cic. Sest. 50, 107: auribus, Liv. 24, 46, 5; Quint. 12, 10, 75: aurīs, Plaut. Stich. 1, 2, 31; absol., Liv. 10, 5, 2; 27, 15, 16 sq.; Curt. 4, 4, 5 al.; cf. also: clamor accidit ad aurīs, Liv. 26, 40, 10; and absol.: clamor accidit, id. 4, 33, 9; 40, 32, 2; likewise: nomen famaque alicujus accidit ad aliquem, id. 21, 10, 12; v. Fabri ad h. l.
Hence sometimes in Livy: vox or fama accidit (ad aurīs or ad aliquem), with an acc. c. inf.: ut vox etiam ad hostes accideret captum Cominium esse, Liv. 10, 41, 7: quia repente fama accidit classem Punicam adventare, the report came, id. 27, 29, 7; v. Weissenb. a. h. l.
- II. Fig.
- A. In gen., to fall out, come to pass, happen, occur; and with dat. pers., to happen to, to befall one. (The distinction between the syn. evenio, accido, and contingo is this: evenio, i. e. ex-venio, is used of either fortunate or unfortunate events: accido, of occurrences which take us by surprise; hence it is used either of an indifferent, or, which is its general use, of an unfortunate occurrence: contingo, i. e. contango, indicates that an event accords with one’s wishes; and hence is generally used of fortunate events. As Isid. says, Differ. 1: Contingunt bona: accidunt mala: eveniunt utraque): res accidit, Caes. B. G. 1, 14; Id acciderat, ut Galli consilium caperent, ib. 3, 2: si quid adversi acciderit, Cic. Ac. 2, 38, 121; cf. ib. 1, 26, 57: nollem accidisset tempus, in quo, etc., id. Fam. 3, 10: si qua calamitas accidisset, id. Verr. 2, 3, 55: id. Rosc. Am. 34: contra opinionem accidit, Caes. B. G. 3, 9: pejus Sequanis accidit, ib. 1, 31: periculum accidit, ib. 3, 3: detrimentum accidit, ib. 7, 52. Also of fortunate occurrences: omnia tibi accidisse gratissima, Cic. Fam. 3, 1; 11, 15: accidit satis opportune, Caes. B. G. 4, 22; cf. Brem. Nep. Milt. 1, 1; Herz. Caes. B. G. 7, 3.
Constr. with ut (Zumpt, § 621), sometimes with quod: accidit perincommode, quod eum nusquam vidisti, Cic. Att. 1, 17; or with inf.: nec enim acciderat mihi opus esse, id. Fam. 6, 11. Pleonast. in narrations: accidit ut, it happened, or came to pass, that: accidit ut una nocte omnes Hermae dejicerentur, it happened that, etc., Nep. Alc. 3, 2; so Cic. Fam. 3, 8, 8; id. Att. 1, 5, 4 al.
- B. In part.
- 1. Si quid cui accidat, or si quid humanitus accidat, euphemist. for to die; if any thing should happen to one (for which Ennius says: si quid me fuerit humanitus, Ann. v. 128 ed. Vahl.): si quid pupillo accidisset, Cic. Inv. 2, 21; Caes. B. G. 1, 18; si quid mihi humanitus accidisset, Cic. Phil. 1, 4; Dig. 34, 4, 30 § 2 al. (cf. the Greek εἴ τι πάθοι); so, per aposiopesin, sive—quod heu timeo, sive superstes eris, Ov. Her. 13, 164. (But Cic. Mil. 22, 58; Caes. B. G. 2, 35, and similar passages, are to be taken in the usual signif.)
- 2. To turn out (this very rare): timeo “incertum” hoc quorsum accidat, Ter. And. 1, 5, 29: si secus acciderit, Cic. Fam. 6, 21, 2.
- 3. In gram., to belong to: plurima huic (verbo) accidunt (i. e. genus, tempora), Quint. 1, 5, 41 al.