Lewis & Short

Parsing inflected forms may not always work as expected. If the following does not give the correct word, try Latin Words or Perseus.

plumbātae, ārum, v. plumbo, II. B.

plumbo, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [plumbum].

  1. I. To lead, to solder with lead (ante-class. and post-Aug.): modiolos indet et plumbet, Cato, R. R. 21: argentum, Plin. 34, 17, 48, § 161: scyphum alieno plumbo, Dig. 41, 1, 27.
  2. II. To make a thing of lead; hence, plumbātus, a, um, Part., leaden (postAug.): plumbatae sagittae, Plin. 10, 33, 50, § 97: jacula, Sol. 3, 3: canales, Front. Aquaed. 124: tabulae, Val. Max. 3, 7, n. 2.
    1. B. Subst.: plumbātae, ārum, f.
      1. 1. Leaden balls, Veg. Mil. 1, 17.
      2. 2. Scourges to which leaden balls are attached: plumbatarum ictus, Cod. Th. 9, 35, 2.