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* sŭpĕr-ĕdo, ĕre, v. a., to eat besides or after a thing: betae radicem, Plin. 19, 6, 34, § 113.

sŭpĕr-effĕro, ef-ferre, v. irreg. a., to exalt, extol (late Lat.), Aug. in Psa. 49, 30.

sŭpĕr -efflŭo, ĕre, v. n.,

  1. I. to superabound, be superfluous (late Lat.), Ambros. in Psa. 118, Serm. 14, § 9: mensura, Vulg. Luc. 6, 38: quicquid, Paul. Nol. Carm. 35, 511: PECVNIA, Inscr. Murat. 1772, 8.
  2. II. To be abundantly exalted above: legi supereffluit doctrina Christi, Ambros. in Luc. 5, 34.

sŭpĕr -effulgĕo, ēre, 2, v. n., to be more than effulgent (late Lat.), Rustic. c. Aceph. p. 1250.

sŭpĕr-ēgrĕdĭor, ĕdi, 3, v. a., to surmount (late Lat.): plebeias opiniones, Ambros. Ep. 6.

sŭpĕr-ēlĕvo, āre, v. a., to raise above (late Lat.): se (iniquitates), Vulg. Esd. 4, 16, 77.

sŭpĕr-ēmĭco, āre, v. a., to spring or burst forth over a thing: terram (unda), Sid. Carm. 15, 75.

sŭpĕrēmĭnentĭa, ae, f. [super-emineo], supereminence (late Lat.): dei, Aug. Serm. 40; id. Gest. Pelag. 30, 55; Ambros. Parad. 2, 8: laudis, Hilar. Trin. 11, 4.

sŭpĕr -ēmĭnĕo, ēre, v. a. and n., to overtop, to appear or be above, to rise above (poet. and in post-Aug. prose).

        1. (α) Act.: victor viros supereminet omnes, Verg. A. 6, 857: umero undas, id. ib. 10, 765: fluctus omnes, Ov. Tr. 1, 2, 49: quas omnes aspis supereminens, Amm. 22, 15, 27.
        2. (β) Neutr.: ut olivae premantur et jus superemineat, Col. 12, 49, 1; Sen. Q. N. 5, 15, 1: herba paulum supereminens extra aquam, Plin. 26, 8, 33, § 50 (al. semper eminens).
          Hence, sŭpĕrēmĭnens, entis, P. a., rising above, prominent; comp., Fulg. Cont. Virg. p. 146.
          Sup., Aug. Spir. et Lit. 65.

* sŭpĕr-ēmŏrĭor, mŏri, v. dep. n., to die upon, Plin. 10, 2, 2, § 4.

sŭpĕr-ēnăto, āre, v. a., to swim over: amnem, Luc. 4, 133 Cort.: fluctus omnes, Alcim. Diluv. 4, 240.

* sŭpĕr-ērectus, a, um, Part. [erigo], standing overhead: sol, vertical, Amm. 20, 3, 10 dub.

sŭpĕr-ērŏgātĭo, ōnis, f., a payment in addition (late Lat.), Ps. Quint. Decl. 3; 6.

* sŭpĕr-ērŏgo, āvi, 1, v. a., to spend or pay out over and above: si quid forte supererogasti, Cod. Just. 2, 19, 14; Vulg. Luc. 10, 35.

sŭpĕrescit, v. supersum.

sŭpĕr-ēvŏlo, āre, 1, v. a., to fly away over: Alpem, Luc. 3, 299.

sŭpĕrexactĭo, ōnis, f. [superexigo], a demanding over and above, an excessive demand, Cod. Just. 10, 20, De superexactionibus.

sŭpĕr-exalto, āre, 1, v. n., to exalt above others, Vulg. Jacob. 2, 13.
Part.: superexaltatus deus, Aug. Conf. 3, 2.

sŭpĕr-excēdo, ĕre, 3, v. a., to surpass (late Lat.), Aug. Specul. 6.

* sŭpĕr -excellens, entis, adj., very excellent, superexcellent, Salv. adv. Avar. 3, 18.

* sŭpĕr-excurro, ĕre, v. n., to run or stretch over, to spread over, Dig. 43, 27, 1, § 2.

* sŭpĕr-exĕo, īre, v. n., to extend over, Aus. Idyll. 18, 1.

* sŭpĕr-exĭgo, ĕre, v. a., to demand or exact over and above, i. e. to excess: damna, Cod. Just. 1, 55, 4.

sŭpĕr -exsulto, āre, 1, v. n., to leap up, exult greatly, Symm. Ep. 5, 92; Cassiod. Complex. ad Ep. Jacob. 5.

sŭpĕr-extendo, ĕre, 3, v. a.,

  1. I. to stretch over, cause to cover: in aliquo cutem, Vulg. Ezek. 37, 6.
  2. II. To stretch excessively: nos, Vulg. 2 Cor. 10, 14.

sŭpĕr-extollo, ĕre, v. a., to raise or exalt above others, Tert. Res. Carn. 24; Vulg. Psa. 71, 16.