Lewis & Short

* 1. mēlīnus, a, um, adj. [1. meles], of or belonging to the marten; only subst. (sc. crumena): mēlīna, ae, f., a purse or wallet of marten-skin, Plaut. Ep. 1, 1, 20.

2. mĕlĭnus, a, um, adj. [mel], of or belonging to honey, honey-; only subst.: mĕlĭna, ae, f., mead: melinam promere, Plaut. Ps. 2, 4, 51 (al. mellinam); id. Ep. 1, 1, 21 (al. mellina).

3. mēlĭnus, a, um, adj., = μήλινος, of or belonging to quinces, quince-; quinceyellow; only as subst.: mēlĭnum, i, n.

  1. I. (Sc. oleum.) Quince-oil, Plin. 13, 1, 2, § 11; 23, 6, 54, § 103.
  2. II. (Sc. unguentum.) Quince-ointment, Plin. 13, 1, 2, § 5.
  3. III. An eye-salve, Inscr. Tochōn, Cachets des Ocul. p. 61.
  4. IV. (Sc. vestimentum.) A quince-yellow garment, Plaut. Ep. 2, 2, 49.

4. Mēlĭnus, a, um, adj. [Melos], of or belonging to the island of Melos, Melian; subst.: Mēlĭnum, i, n., a kind of white color, Melian white: pigmentum, or simply Melinum, Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 106 Lorenz ad loc.; cf. Plin. 35, 6, 17, § 36; Vitr. 7, 7, 1: alumen, Plin. 35, 15, 52, § 188.

2. Mēlos, i, f., = Μῆλος, an island in the Ægean Sea, one of the Cyclades, now Milo, Mel. 2, 7, 11; Plin. 4, 12, 23, § 70; Paul. ex Fest. p. 124 Müll.

  1. I. Mēlĭus, a, um, adj., of Melos: Diagoras Melius, Cic. N. D. 1, 1, 2.
  2. II. Mēlĭnus, a, um, v. 4. Melinus.