Lewis & Short

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1. labda, n. indecl., = λάμβδα, the Greek letter Λ; supinum, i. e. an inverted V, Mart. Cap. 9, § 943.

    1. 2.labda, ae, m., = λάβδα, a voluptuary, i. q. irrumator (ante- and post-class.), Varr. ap. Non. 70, 11; Aus. Epigr. 126.

Labdăcē, ēs, f., = Λαβδάκη, the name of a girl, Auct. Priap. 79, 5.

Labdăcĭdes, ae, v. Labdacus, II. B.

labdăcismus, i, m., = λαβδακισμός, labdacism, a fault in speaking.

  1. I. The too frequent use of the letter l (as, sol et luna luce lucebant alba, levi, lactea), Mart. Cap. 5, § 514.
  2. II. An erroneous pronunciation of the letter l, like the Spanish ll, Diom. 448 P.; Isid. Orig. 1, 31, 8.

Labdăcus, i, m., = Λάβδακος,

  1. I. a king of Thebes, father of Lāius, Sen. Herc Fur. 495; id. Phoen. 53.
  2. II. Hence,
    1. A. Lab-dăcĭus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to Labdacus: dux, i. e. Eteocles, so called after his grandfather Lāius, Stat. Th. 2, 210.
    2. B. Labdăcĭdes, ae, m., a male descendant of Labdacus, a Labdacide; applied to Polynīces as grandson of Laius, Stat. Th. 6, 450.
      Plur.: Labdăcĭdae, ārum, m., the Thebans, Stat. Th. 9, 777; 10, 36.