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1. dŏlābella, ae, f. dim. [dolabra], a small pick-axe, hatchet, Col. 2, 24, 4 sq.
2. Dŏlābella, ae, m. nom. pr., the name of a Roman family in the gens Cornelia, of which the best-known individual is P. Cornelius Dolabella, Cicero’s son-in-law, Cic. Fam. 2, 16, 5 al.
Hence, Dŏlābel-lĭānus, a, um, adj.: pira, named after a Dolabella otherwise unknown, Col. 5, 10, 18; 12, 10, 4; Plin. 15, 15, 16, § 54.
dŏlābra, ae, f. [dolo], a mattock, pickaxe, as a milit. implement, Liv. 9, 37; 21, 11; Tac. H. 3, 20; 27; Curt. 8, 4; 9, 5; Juv. 8, 248; an agricultural implement, Col. Arb. 10, 2; Pall. Jan. 3, 3; id. Febr. 21, 2; a butcher’s implement, Dig. 33, 7, 18; cf. Fest. s. v. SCENA, p. 318, 18 Müll.
‡ dŏlābrārĭus, ii, m. [dolabra], a pickaxe-maker, Inscr. Orell. 4071; 4081.
dŏlābrātus, a, um, adj. [dolabra], mattockshaped: securis, Pall. 1, 43, 3 (in Caes. B. G. 7, 73, 2, read delibratis).
* dŏlāmen, ĭnis, n. [dolo], a hewing: trunci, App. Flor. 1.
* dŏlātĭlis, e, adj. [dolo], easily hewn: lapides, Auct. de Lim. ap. Goes. p. 270.
* dŏlātōrĭum, ii, n. [dolo], an implement for hewing stones; as a transl. of λαξευτήριον, Hier. Ep. 106 fin.
* dŏlātus, ūs, m. [dolo], a hewing: gemmae, Prud. Psych. 836.