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calva, ae, v. calvus.
calvārĭa, ae, f. [calva, calvus].
- I. The skull of man, Cels. 8, 1; Vulg. 4 Reg. 9, 35: calvariae locus, id. Matt. 27, 33; of beasts: canis, Plin. 30, 6, 18, § 53: equae, asinae, Pall. 1, 35, 16.
- II. In eccl. Lat., Calvary, the place where Jesus Christ was crucified, Tert. adv. Marc. 3, 198.
calvārĭŏla, ae, f. dim. [calvaria], a small cup, Schol. ad Juv. 5, 48.
calvārĭum, ii, n. [calvaria], a kind of round sea-fish without scales, Enn. ap. App. Mag. p. 299, 17.
calvātus, a. um, adj. [calvus],
- I. made bald, bare (late Lat.): Sampson, Ambros. Ep. 9, 71.
- II. Transf.: si vinea a vite calvata erit, Cat. ap. Plin. 17, 22, 35, § 196 Jan. (but Cato, R. R. 33, 3, calva erit; v. calvus).
1. calvus, a, um, adj. [cf. O. H. Germ. chalo; Germ. kahl],
- I. bald, without hair (whether by nature or by shaving or shearing; rare; not in Lucr., Cic., Hor., or Verg.): raso capite calvus, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 306: senex, Petr. 27; Suet. Calig. 27: moechus, id. Caes. 51; Phaedr. 2, 2, 9; 5, 3, 1; 5, 6, 1.
- 2. Subst.: calva, ae, f., the scalp without hair, Liv. 23, 24, 12; Mart. 10, 83, 12; 12, 45, 12.
- B. Venus Calva, worshipped in a particular temple after the irruption of the Gauls (as it is pretended, because at that time the women cut off their hair for bowstrings), Lact. 1, 20, 7; Cypr. Idol. Van. 2, 10; Veg. Mil. 4, 9; cf. Serv. ad Verg. A. 1, 720.
- II. Transf. to plants: vinea a vite calva, Cato, R. R. 33, 3 (cf. Plin. 17, 22, 35, § 196, s. v. calvatus): nuces, with smooth shells, Cato, R. R. 8, 2 (quoted in Plin. 15, 22, 24, § 90, where in MSS. the var. lect. galbas prob. arose from a false orthography of a later time; cf. the letter B fin.): calvae restes, Mart. 12, 32, 20.
- B. Subst.: calva, ae, f., a nut with a smooth shell, Petr. 66, 4.