Lewis & Short

Parsing inflected forms may not always work as expected. If the following does not give the correct word, try Perseus.

The word Althæa could not be parsed. Trying a normal dictionary lookup:

No entries found. Showing closest matches:

1. althaea, ae, f., = ἀλθαία, wild mallows, marsh-mallows, = hibiscum; Althaea officinalis, Linn.; Plin. 20, 21, 84, § 222; Pall. Oct. 14, 11; App. Herb. 38.

2. Althaea, ae, f., = Ἀλθαία, daughter of Thestius, wife of Œneus, king of Calydon, and mother of Meleager, whom, in revenge for the death of her brothers slain by him in the Calydonian hunt, she killed, by burning the brand, on the preservation of which his life depended, Ov. M. 8, 446; 8, 511; 8, 531; cf. Hyg. Fab. 171.